For many fundraising professionals, January represents a calm after the hectic autumn months where events, annual appeals, grant deadlines, and year-end giving can overtake you and your teams. October through December can feel like a tidal wave of activity. Sound familiar?
While January may not feel calm, it is the perfect time to reground and refocus on what it’s going to take to achieve your fiscal year end goals. And, since January is also the month where we are energized to set personal intentions and goals for the calendar year, it can be helpful to see where your intentions intersect with your fundraising goals.
Some tips:
Create a victory log. Jot down a list of things you are proud of from 2017. These can be personal and professional and can fall into categories like family + friends, finances, fun + recreation, career, relationship, health + wellness, etc. The victory log is a nice jumping off point for thinking about the new year.
Drill down on some of the accomplishments you had related to your organization’s fundraising efforts. Did you host a successful event? Have a powerful connection with a new donor? Manage up to your Board effectively? Hire an amazing team member? Produce a rock solid Annual Report?
Set intentions for your year. I recommend starting with your own personal and professional intentions — perhaps 1 or 2 in each category. Intention setting can be very powerful because it’s an opportunity to visualize and give power and energy to what you want. The best intentions are also inspiring. They excite you!
Finally, drill down on some specific intentions you have for your organization’s fundraising between now and the end of your fiscal year.
Because the annual fundraising cycle can feel like a flurry of year-round activity, it’s easy to get off course only to realize come March that your day-to-day activities are not helping you reach your fundraising target.
Taking the time now to create and visualize some inspiring intentions for you and for your organization’s fundraising is an opportunity for you to catch your breath, align with your purpose, and focus your energy on where you want to be in June.
If you think I can help you or someone you know set intentions, get aligned around your development goals, and bring the magic back into your organization’s fundraising efforts, please reach out.
Wishing you a year filled with inspired action!